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About Apona Healing Ranch

Our mission is to rescue horses from slaughter and provide a healing sanctuary where they can recover from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual trauma. We also exist to unite horses and humans for collective healing, wellbeing, and peace.

What We Do

We provide our horses with a sanctuary on our ranch to heal from abuse and trauma. We feed them healing, nourishing foods, treat their wounds and injuries, and provide unconditional love. We also unite horses and humans through equine-assisted therapy and healing retreats.  Learn more.


Why We Exist

Too many horses are needlessly slaughtered each year, once they have been deemed useless to humans. We recognize horses as sentient, spiritual beings, and we know that uniting horses and humans in love results in collective healing and well-being.

Learn more.

Who We Are

For over twenty years, Lidia Kuleshnyk ("Lady Apona") has owned and operated Apona Healing Ranch, rescuing horses from slaughter and uniting humans and horses in love. An expert Health & Energy Coach with decades of experience helping people heal from chronic health conditions, Lidia knows first-hand the healing power of horses and is dedicated to honouring them as spiritual beings and pillars of light.

Learn more about Lidia.


In the video below, Lidia greets Rocky & Woody on a cold winter day, and speaks about how we can connect energetically with horses. 

Video: Rocky & Woody
Anchor 1
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